Fraudulent USask Job Posting Emails

It is important to be aware of fraudulent employment scams that target our USask community. These emails may even originate from a compromised USask email account or appear on a legitimate job board, creating an air of false legitimacy.

Here are some tips to help you avoid job posting scams and protect your personal information: 

  1. Familiarize yourself with the warning signs of job posting scams before you apply to any job: Check for poor grammar and spelling in the job posting, generic email domains*, and income promises for little effort. Verify that the job exists and visit the company’s official website.  
  2. Do not provide your personal information, such as your Social Insurance Number (SIN), photo identification, or date of birth.
  3. Do not provide your bank account and credit card information.
  4. Do not send or receive money, transfer money, cash cheques, buy bitcoin, or other forms of currency.  
  5. If you suspect a job posting is a scam, or have already followed fraudulent links, please stop all further communication and report it to our USask IT / Security team immediately by forwarding the email to or by visiting 
  6. Contact your financial institution if you have already provided any banking information. 
Example of a scam attempt from a compromised USask account