Safe signage on campus

The Safe Building Return Group is working with colleges and units across campus to ensure that all necessary precautions are being taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19 as activity on campus continues to increase.

By Ashley Dopko

 A big part of this work is ensuring that areas authorized for activity have proper signage, providing visual cues as a reminder of COVID guidelines such as appropriate social distancing and hand-washing protocols.

“Putting up a sign may sound simple, but it has been a collaborative effort to fully understand the traffic flow and building capacity across campus,” said Paul Fraser, manager, facilities support services.

Many teams including safety resources, marketing, procurement, room scheduling, facilities and custodial staff, along with individuals involved with building operations and academic programming, have been working together in an effort to ensure safety across campus.


“We have a lot of buildings and a lot of different activities taking place at USask,” said Fraser. “Our Facilities SBAs are connecting with groups across campus to understand their specific needs. We’ve also been relying on our custodial team to not only put up the signage, but to provide feedback on what is, or isn’t, working.”

“Up until now our focus has been on Health Sciences, where most of the activity is taking place,” said Fraser. “It’s been a great way to learn and fine tune our process as we move out into the rest of the campus.”

At the moment, most signage is temporary and more permanent signage is being developed. Those authorized to be on campus can expect to see the permanent signage go up throughout August and into the fall.

Anyone who is currently authorized to access campus and is need for additional signage can access templates at or contact for further assistance.